Friday, December 12, 2014

A-Sexual Characters in Anime

                                                 A-Sexual Characters in Anime


In this list will look at A-Sexual characters in the world of anime. Not to say it’s such a horrible thing or that there is anything wrong with it, to me one of the coolest characters ever is Sherlock Holmes and for all parts counted he’s A-Sexual, just a look at characters who seem to have other things on their mind other than someone they love. Maybe that’s not fair, all these characters have love whether the sea, food or their goals, it’s just not love in the sense that most would think.


Ash Ketchum- The eternal journey of Ash Ketchum to be a Pokémon Master has taken him far and wide, with all sorts of people who have other Pokémon goals.  Ash has commented several times that he didn’t know what everyone was talking about when the conversation turned to love, he himself had a possible love interest but he was just too oblivious to notice. Perhaps above all the other reasons that was why Misty left. Not to say she’s the only one there was or could have been, oh Ash you heartbreaker. Maybe though Ash does have love, one for his goal to become a Pokémon Master and his love for his best friend Pikachu. Although that has been slight shifts in X and Y for Ash with the connections to those he travels with linked a little closer to home so anything is possible. Are maybe what a lot of people my generation are rooting for will happen, Misty will come back full time and they'll finally hook up. Granted they're all supposed to be kids but for the future it would sure be a nice epilogue.


Luffy- Sure he might be made of rubber but that doesn’t mean he’s using it for those purposes. It’s not that Luffy is clueless about love or what it’s supposed to mean, it just doesn’t seem to be on his mind is all. If anything we can associate his love with those he cares about and as the name has suggested once upon a time, perhaps the romance is with the freedom, the ocean, the adventure and the desires that he has along his journey. Not to say Luffy doesn’t have those that are digging his stretch arm self, Boa Hancock one of the Seven Warlords comes across him, queen of an island of women or amazon if you will. Luffy manages to do something to her that no other man has ever been able to do, to the point that the others think she’s fallen sick, it’s only her falling for Luffy and at that point he would win her over without ever returning her feelings. Not to say she is the only one, maybe it’s just the romantic in me but there are a couple of other ladies I always thought might be interested in the boy with the straw hat.


Goku – While it’s true that Goku is married with children and understand the concept of the birds and the bees, it can also be said that he was a little clueless back in the day and considering his priorities sometimes, not to say the world isn’t a priority there is still the distinct possibility that Goku might be a little A-Sexual.  It’s hard to gloss over the fact that Chi Chi his wife had to kind of trick him into marrying her, when younger he saw it as more of a fighting challenge. Vegeta isn’t the most romantic man ever but considering he had tried to destroy the Earth before and was someone most of the Z fighters were scared of for some time then he must have done quite the wooing to get Bulma to marry him. Not to mention he’s around her a lot more than Goku has been around Bulma. I suppose being dead can prevent you from being with your wife but it still doesn’t stop Goku from saving the world!


Ichigo Kurosawki – Perhaps out of the bunch he would seem unlikely, he blushes at certain moments, he’s gone to rescue both Rukia and Orihime and even those both clearly care about him where is the advancement in the relationship. Could it be the dreaded love triangle or simply that giant stamped A on Ichigo’s head. I mean if having entire arcs to save someone doesn’t get you a date besides when you’re slaying hollows than what’s the problem. In truth I’ve always seen Ichigo and Rukia making far more progress in the show as a possible couple than they did. Whatever you do Ichigo don’t ask Rukia’s stepbrother for love advice, that might be a bit of a sore spot for him. I don’t know maybe the most frustrating thing is that in a way it’s focused on a lot, yet development often can be slow once the problems are resolved. Perhaps a gift of which your name means to them can get things rolling Ichigo, just saying.


Heiji Hattori – The detective of the west, some might even say the Kudo of the west from Detective Conan. While Shinichi Kudo has the obstacle of being a little boy’s body to prevent him to tell  Ran the truth, it hasn’t stopped him from confessing and while Ran seems a little slow on the uptake at time, she’s certainly more progress than Kazuha Toyama. Heiji seems far more interested in Conan’s love life than his own, in fact it seems like he’s unaware that he has a love life with his childhood friend, although she isn’t as oblivious. Which is awfully funny considering the seventh movie was dedicated to Heji’s past and who might have been his first true love, see the revelation in that and it’ll make you scratch you head on the progress on all things love for Heiji. If anything it might make him closer to Sherlock than Conan in that sense. Just another one that makes you scratch your head, see if you can find an episode where she’s talking to another boy and it upsets him, he isn’t even sure why, something he openly admits.


Of course there are plenty of other characters out there that seem to sort of miss the message or the hints at times but watching these guy’s, you feel better with your love life and if there isn’t one than you have learned the first valuable lesson, don’t be oblivious.

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